Paintings By Seattle Artist Syd Bee

"All Bubs Art Beautiful"

The paintings of talented Seattle artist Syd Bee


Syd Bee’s interest in folklore, femininity, and the bizarre fuel her works which capture figures in a dreamy moment.  She uses softness in application and color to suggest sweetness in spite of a creeping despondence. Bee’s figures appear melancholy and at odds with unseen forces. Through her explorations, perhaps one day these characters may overcome their circumstances. 

Syd earned her BFA magna cum laude from Cornish College of the Arts  in 2013. She lives and works in Seattle, where she can be found surrounded by a library of fairy tales, comic books, and two fat cats.


"In a Tuft of Flowers"

"A Jealous Girl"

"Pink Lady"

Can find Syd Bee here at

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