Art Direction – HSTYLE X MAD RABBIT By Jaein Park

Art Direction – HSTYLE X MAD RABBIT By Jaein Park.

Handu Yishe 2019 SS Collection

Hand in hand with South Korea’s three different styles of IP to launch the joint series, which explains the design style products of different groups in three groups of society.
The “4632” series of themes comes from
the digital rendering of the Hstyle x MadRabbit x Fullface x Corgiman initial HMFC on the phone keypad, which is used to name and mark the series.
People with 4632 belong to a secret organization and do not need to be understood by others, but we are proud of ourselves.

” Neon Seven is a group of creators with modelers, photographers and musicians, artist, and etc. There is no limited area of work. Works such as character design, illustration, figure, game, and animation productions can be performed. Jeain Park, an art director and character designer, has strong point of understanding of diverse tastes based on his 10years of extensive experience in servicing games and web services to over 16 countries including U.S. and Japan.” – Jaein Park

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