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Art Of The Day 3-8-22 International Women’s Day 2022

Ukraine Woman

‘Ukraine Woman’ Art By Victoria White

This year on March 8, I created this art supporting the brave, strong Ukrainian Women.
This vector art is especially close to my heart. I know the horror of trying to escape being killed. I know that protecting your child during war takes all the power God gave you. I know what it means to not be sure that your child will have any food today or tomorrow. I still remember (every day) the feeling of hunger and cold.
This year I am sharing my March 8th art earlier because I am hoping you could share it. I am asking you not because of my art. I am asking you because I believe that the power of art affects everyone in a positive way. I hope that the brave, strong Ukrainian women will see it and see that they are not alone. I hope that the entire world sees how brave and strong they are. I hope when they look at this art, they will feel that they are not alone.

Celebrating International Women’s Day 2022. 

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