Alt/Glam Model And Accessory Designer Emily Dear Heart

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My partner in crime @jstolzenbach thank you for all you do for me creatively. Photography and logo @jstolzenbach HMUA: #emilydearheart

Alt glamour model Emily Dear Heart featured on Diabolical Rabbit


Emily Dear Heart is a eye catching colorful beauty with many talents that complement her beauty. Emily is an internationally published tattoo model and accessory designer as well as a makeup artist.

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Shoot for @idiotcult for @inkedmag and @rebelcircus . Thanks for such an inspiring night#scottquinnphotography

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Published in #artetattoomagazine shot by my babe @ktylerfotography #mua @emilydearheart tattoos by @bengun studio @jodajen thank you @diamonddollsink

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PASTEL BUNNIES UNITE photography by my babes @hugovphoto

Accessories designed by @emilydearheart#emilydearheart

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@katattackphoto for your kick assery behind the lens and @malicious_makeup on my face!!

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Emily Dear HeArt Designs!! Ghetto and Gold

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Iron Fist Clothing bikinis and Hugo V Photo shoot

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photo by Terry Ewald. He is amazing . Hair Graham Nation MUA -Myself check out my Instagram @emilydearheart for tons of new work

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From my shoot with my incredibly talented friend and talented photographer Kat Attack I cannot wait to see her and create magic ! Makeup by my babe Miliciousmakeup and hair by @grahamnation .

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Email me [email protected]

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Thank you to my sponsor Fearless Plugs for the rad earrings! Photography: Pixel Art Photo Hair: Graham Nation MUA : Emily Dear Heart

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Smaller lucite crystal and spike design for a pretty lady email for pricing [email protected]

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Was up working on this bear, baby, spike and lucite diamond crown last night for a shoot. Crowns start at $150 contact me at for custom orders!!

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Headband designed by me. Contact for pricing shot by @jstolzenbach

You can catch Emily Dear Heart here at Facebook

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