Author Archives: theoelsby

Alt/Cosplay Model Vera Baby


Vera Baby is a alternative/cosplay model who has been in numerous publications and has a big online presence as you can see below.

Torture Garden 2012 Fashion Show: Collective Chaos
Subspace Fetish Ball : Cinched Tight Corsets Runway show : September 2011
Subspace “BladeRunner” FUTURESTATE Fashion : August 2011
Toxic Vision GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS Party : August 2011 : video
Subspace Valentines FETISH BALL 2011: Ego Assassin : February 2011
Skull Fist “Live and Loaded” w/ Toxic Vision Babes 2010: Toxic Vision Clothing
Kapital Kink 2010: Ego Assassin Monster Show w/ Kink Engineering latex. Role: Sea Creature
Torture Garden 2010 Fashion Show: Kaoris Latex Dreams
Torture Garden 2010 Fashion Show: Plastikwrap
Subspace Hello Kitty Dress Auction 2010: Ego Assassin

Cover of Luxuria by James Fuller – May 2013 – erotic novel
Premiere issue of Temptress Magazine – Dec 2012
PISTOL Magazine Issue 4: Winter 2012 – Toxic Vision
July LEGSHOW Magazine – 8 Page spread and interview in Lifestyles section
CreepyQueenMagazine Issue no3 – Winter 2010/11 – Toxic Vision Clothing

“Orphan Black” Season 1 Episode 7 – role: The Practitioner

2013 Interview with Impulse Gamer
Premiere issue of Temptress Magazine – Dec 2012
July 2011 LEGSHOW Magazine lifestyles section 
Couples Corner
Fixe Magazine
Fetish Cult Sirens

New Shirts At Our Diabolical Rabbit Shop 1/14/14


Our Diabolical Rabbit Graffiti Tees For Both Men And Women Are Now Available In Our Shop

Introducing Our Spider-Hare Tees For The Fans Of Marvel Comics Favorite Web Slinger “Spider-Man” And For Fans Of Our Diabolical Rabbit “Elsby”.

Shirts Are Available For Men And Women.


More New Shirts Will Be Up In The Shop In The Coming Month So Keep Your Eyes Open And If You Want To Collaborate With Us At Our Diabolical Rabbit Shop Hit Us Up At

Personal Projects By Freelance Artist Brock Davis

Broccoli House

I wasn’t able to build my son a treehouse, so I built him this broccoli house instead.
Made with balsa wood.
Exhibitionist Coffee Cup

Random / goofy idea I had when I was supposed to be doing client work. This was quite easy to make. Cut the coffee sleeve in half and tape it to back of cup. Cut a section from the back of the cup to make the hands. Tape it all together and draw a creepy face. Place it on a table in your local coffee shop and see how people react.
Gummy Bearskin Rug

This was another idea that was just sitting around in my head waiting to get made. I often execute these kinds of pieces because I am curious as to what the piece will look like once executed.
Dark Side of the Doritos

Made from sliced bag pieces from the following 8 Doritos flavors: Late Night Cheeseburger, Pizza Supreme, Nacho Cheese, Throwback Taco, Toasted Corn, Salsa Verde, Blazin’ Buffalo & Ranch and Spicy Sweet Chili.
Boba Fett’s Invoice to Jabba the Hut

I wanted to make this for a long time. I finally found the time to execute. Thanks to my friend Dan Wallace, author of The Jedi Path, for helping me with some of the minute details.

Recently, I was interviewed by in regards to my Make Something Cool Every Day project. I was asked to try and make something creative on the spot, in the room where I was being interviewed. After evaluating the room, I was struck with an idea. I got out my marker and voila, Snoutlet.


These are some of the recent personal pieces I’ve made for fun. Most of these pieces are made at home on the weekends. I get a lot of inspiration from my children. They create spontaneously, everything is new to them. I often try to revert back to childhood when creating, which helps me to view ordinary things in a new way.

Brand We Like: Print Proxy




Hi, I’m Jon, the owner Print Proxy- an online retailer of awesome t shirts. We’re based in Columbus, Ohio which is great, because we work out of coffee shops, something Columbus has no shortage of. We began designing t-shirts in the middle of September, 2013 and I print them in my basement. Upon starting Print Proxy, I was asked by a friend why I wasn’t pursing something more creative than t-shirts. Reasonable question, I suppose! I answered him- “I think you’re talking about innovation. We like t-shirts. People like t shirts. So, t-shirts are our vehicle to be ‘more’ creative.” There’s a difference between creativity and innovation. I believe that managing creativity leads to innovation. So, hopefully one day, we can bring some really fresh ideas to the apparel decorating world, but for now we’ll just try to make you smile with awesome t shirts.

Our process begins with a cup of coffee and google.

-We pay attention to pop culture and what people are talking about. Get more coffee.

-Then, we apply our awesome design skills to make shirts people will love. Get more coffee.

-Then, we try to get shirts in front of the people we think will like them. Get more coffee.

-Then, I go into a dark basement, crank some music and print some shirts! Get more coffee.

-Then, we hope people enjoy our shirts and let us know how much they like them by commenting with emoticons on our storenvy. Celebrate with coffee.

We source all of our apparel from American Apparel because the shirts are super soft and they fit well. (Really important components of a new favorite t shirt) We use a process called direct to garment (dtg) printing because it allows use to make every t shirt to order.

We hope you enjoy browsing through our t shirts! Thanks for checking out our shop!!













“We hope people enjoy our shirts and let us know how much they like them by commenting with emoticons on our storenvy. ”

Jon (top), Jason (left), & Justin (right)

Founder, Designer, & Designer at Print Proxy

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