Kate Moss As Playboy Bunny Preview

Image of The First Look at Kate Moss as a Playboy Bunny

Internationally known model Kate Moss will be featured on the 60th anniversary of Playboy. First unearthed by the UK’s Daily Mail, the pic – shot by photography duo Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott – sees the 39-year-old Brit supermodel in the iconic tailed corset, satin bunny ears and black stilettos. Said Playboy founder Hugh Hefner of tapping Moss for the magazine’s milestone issue, “She’s a worldwide celebrity and iconic and crosses the boundaries from sexual imagery to upscale modelling. It’s a natural for us.” Look for Playboy‘s 60th anniversary December 2013/January 2014 issue to hit newsstands soon, complete with the entirety of Moss’s Mert & Marcus-shot pictorial.


By theoelsby

The Name Is Theo Elsby I Co-Run Diabolical Rabbit And Look Fuzzy And Cute At The Same Time:).

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