Kasi the cheetah was just eight-weeks-old when he was introduced to Mtani, a 16-week-old female labrador. At the time Mtani towered over her younger friend and let the tiny cub clamber all over her. Now, two years later, the pair are the same height, and live together full time in the Cheetah habitat at Busch Gardens, Tampa, Florida. Visitors at the park can see Kasi and Mtani being trained by keepers and making use of the specially-designed habitat to run, and chase after each other. Kasi and Mtani also travel together to schools and community events to raise awareness of the importance of protecting wild cheetahs and to publicize Busch Gardens’ conservation work. Photos by Busch Gardens.
Milky Illustrations that were made for our upcoming limited edition – MILK Calendar 2014.
The Calendar contains recent Milky Pin-up Series and the last piece will be photograph in October.
It should be available for pre-ordering shortly after and shipping starts in November!
Never in Bushwick
Phlegm at the Bushwick Collective
Joel Bergner and Wise2 in Bushwick
Photos by Lois Stavsky
These are funny as hell just saw all 4 episodes hope you enjoy:)
“The Incredible Goku” by OtakuTeez
A mashup of The Incredible Hulk and Dragon Ball Z.
“Silver Smurfer” by CoDdesigns
Silver Surfer and Galactus in the style of the Smurfs
“Calvin & Charizard” by olly
Ash Ketchum and Charizard in the style of Calvin and Hobbes
“Who You Gonna Call?” by zomboy
Taking Ecto-1 out for a spin 🙂
Ghostbusters in the style of Calvin and Hobbes
“Who you gonna catch?” by XD Threads
Gengar in the style of the Ghostbusters logo.
“KamehamehO’s” by Baz
Part of a complete workout!
Inspired by Dragon Ball
“Turtle Trap” by Manikx
Bait your turtle traps with pizza.
“Appetite for Mystery” by Doodle Dojo
Ghosts N Crooks
Some people have an obsession with mystery. Those meddling kids just can’t help themselves from investigating strange occurrences.
“Pocket Jawa” by RebelArt
“Wrong Castle” by Mike Handy
When you wish upon an invincibility star…
“Ralph and Schweetz” by Moysche Designs
A mashup of Wreck It Ralph and Calvin and Hobbes
“Mario Forecast” aka “Mushroom Kingdom 5 Day Weather Forecast” by adho1982
You really don’t want to miss the weather report in the Mushroom Kingdom.
“AnchorMinion” by Matt Sinor
Anchorman / Despicable Me mashup. Stay Classy Minions.
“I want you to stay Classy” by Piercek25
A parody of Ron Burgundy from anchorman and the Uncle Sam “I want you” poster.
“Old Boy” by WinterArtwork
Stay classy, Game Boy!
“Dark Lord” by Jak Gibberish
Late on a cold night above the roof tops of Gotham Batman senses an evil presence lurking in the shadows! Suddenly another Dark Knight out of nowhere approaches and cuts him down where he stands! He has come to claim the city for his own. It is none other than….. NU-NU-NU Dark Lord!!
“RoboCat” by Elan Harris
RoboCop cat
“Ok, Let’s Settle This!” by Elan Harris aka GloopZ
Venom vs. Spider-Man arm wrestling
“Donkey Puft” by Mike Handy
I ain’t afraid of no 8 bit ghosts!
“This Is My Spot” by ntesign
The Google Maps pin marks Sheldon’s spot.
“Genes N Powers Appetite For Mutation” by Seven Hundred
A mashup of Guns N Roses and X-Men
“Pocket Plumber” by Harebrained
Super Mario in your pocket
“Imperial Space Program” by RebelArt
NASA / Star Wars mashup
“The Sesame Six” by AJ Paglia aka swissarmyshark
Vintage style print poster merging the worlds of Sesame Street with the paperback battles of Jack Kirby’s Fantastic Four
“Big Bang Men” by AJ Paglia aka swissarmyshark
“Supurrrr Friends” by Ian Byers
Cat super heroes — Superman, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Batman