Shirts We Like: From Dragon Ball Z to Calvin And Hobbes Parodies

“The Incredible Goku” by OtakuTeez A mashup of The Incredible Hulk and Dragon Ball Z. “Silver Smurfer” by CoDdesigns Silver Surfer and Galactus in the style of the Smurfs “Calvin & Charizard” by olly Ash Ketchum and Charizard in the style of Calvin and Hobbes “Who You Gonna Call?” by zomboy Taking Ecto-1 out for… Continue reading Shirts We Like: From Dragon Ball Z to Calvin And Hobbes Parodies

Brand We Like: Minvs

BRAND WE LIKE: MINVS We at Diabolical Rabbit loved this cool brand for it’s clean minimal logo and how the Minvs brand promotes itself as a unique and visually compelling eye candy from the clothes to the models to the promotion as well as a cool website where you can buy shirts, Hikari’s (one piece bathing… Continue reading Brand We Like: Minvs

Brand We Like: Look Human

LOOK HUMAN BRAND BIO: The concept for the Look Human brand was developed with the intention to create a momentary reflection of our ever-changing, pop culture through design. Owners, Michael Limes and Tanisha Robinson decided to tap into the deep well of Columbus, Ohio’s talented creative professionals to fuel the force behind the branding and… Continue reading Brand We Like: Look Human