Tag Archives: yellow lemon

Artist/Illustrator: Sakiroo Choi

This is just a YELLOW LEMON PROJECT in 2011

One day, I thought..

There are schools to study a world-class class.
Movie class, Comic class, Brand class, Artist class and Game class.

Student is a celebrity. and they all wear school uniforms with yellow lemon.

This project is another challenge for me.

I’m sakiroo and working for character-designing and illustration in the korea. I’m performing like freelancer and representative of SAKIROOPICTURES. For more detail about me you can go to My web-site, http://sakiroo.com/ I hope that I can share alot of info and trend with people in this field around the world. So we can make great design stuff to go forward.Apparently, I ‘ll post a bunch of stuffs i possesed and my though of character design with private philosophy.Alright ~!! Keep an eye on here~!! Mail : [email protected]

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