Art Of The Day By Cyrille Corlays alias NAUTIL


Art Of The Day Näutil in Siouville-Hague, France


Born in 1976, from a family of the sea, he discovered the joys of child doodle pending the boat square, pencil glides on Canson …

At the end of year 80, he shares the rise of skateboarding in full heyday, with its codes, its musical and graphic culture .. Contaminated by sliding and living before the waves, surfing was naturally to him a second revelation…


Late 90’s, the Parisian architectural studies the time away from home but the coastline open to art, to mix, to graffiti .. It crosses the city, exploring every corner and invests through the installation street his teacher Xavier Juillot …

” Vital need, it has sea and mountain as religion. Any possible spaces in their vastness, these elements are intertwined in his life. Spray paint in hand, an ice ax in the other, the zero level until the summits through the major cities, NAUTIL (formerly cécé) forge his line, his slides, style and naturally sees himself immersed in a he thinks limitless universe, rich in meetings, exchange, colors, influences, origins … It is in this joyous mix more than a passion, an identity.” – Cyrille Corlays alias NAUTIL


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