Limited Print By Brooklyn Artist Persue: Put It In The Ditch Brah


This limited edition piece called “Put It In The Ditch Brah!” was done by Brooklyn based artist Persue.


In 2001, the established graphic designer, illustrator and graffiti artist “Persue” created a character that combined two of the world’s most universally adored animals: bunnies and kitties. His beloved character BunnyKitty is an undeniably cute yet spunky kitten dressed in a magical bunny suit. In an effort to put a positive spin on graffiti, which faced an onslaught of negative press in the 90’s and early 2000’s, Persue painted this character on walls the world over. What started out as a fun side project to help make aerosol art more palatable to the general public, snowballed into something else entirely.

1xRUN-Persue-Put-it-in-the-Ditch-Brah-16x20-WEB-01In 2006, Persue wrote the origins of BunnyKitty, a classic story of a hero with a heart of gold, a love for adventure, and a slightly darker mischievous side. From his imagination sprung to life an entire universe where BunnyKitty must be brave, rise to the occasion and push herself to her greatest potential. Persue’s mother also played a crucial role, editing the story and writing the magical spell that equips BunnyKitty with her powers. Sadly, shortly after The Origins of BunnyKitty was written, Persue’s mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. This tragic news, along with other challenges he faced in his life at the time forced him to immediately put a halt to his dream of sharing the story they wrote together with his growing audience.

It wasn’t until 2012 that he revisited the idea of sharing BunnyKitty’s story. The timing ended up being perfect, as he moved to New York City to work on the illustrations for the book which is due to drop early in fall of 2015 with 1xRUN. BunnyKitty’s journey from the countryside to the Big City reflects his own, and after nearly 8 years of waiting, Persue is finally releasing this heartwarming story to his fans, and the world.

You can find more of Persue’s works as well as this limited edition print at 1XRUN.

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