Category Archives: art

Oil On Wood Paintings By iBelieve

These Feelings

These Feelings

Oil paint on wood

6in x 10in


Haydee Reveles is one of the most talented self-taught artists born and raised in Los Angeles. Breaking through the underground art world her incredible paintings are making their way to the top. She has a big imagination, and a passion for art.

iBelieve realized that she wanted to create art the moment she first touch a brush and saw what she could do. Then it started becoming a passion for her.  She knew she wasn’t great, but made it a challenge to teach herself. And when she did she knew it was in her to be creative. Her first real introduction to art was in high school. A young iBelieve took an art class, and although she only got to paint one canvas, she knew then her mentality and imagination was to paint. When she was old enough, she figured out how to express herself thru a painting, without having to explain it to no one.

She primarily works with oil paint on wood.  When you look into her paintings you can feel it in your soul. A true artist from the heart. She is self-taught and still learning many ways to create new art. With that said, this young lady goes by the nickname of: ” iBelieve “. This name comes from her thinking everything is possible if you believe in yourself. When others believe in you it only adds motivation that you could do anything you want, if you put your mind and effort into it.

iBelieve has also displayed her work at many Art Galleries and won first place for Visual Artist of the Year at the Los Angeles RAWARDS 2012 show, sponsored by Indie Arts Award Los Angeles. Currently her plans are to keep creating art and be part of more exhibitions so her work could be recognized by many.

“iBelieved in myself when no one else did and it has taken me in a great path. Never Doubt yourself!” – iBelieve.

Midnight Love

Midnight Love

Oil paint on wood

24in x 24in

Black Pearl

Black Pearl

Oil paint on wood

Divine Beauty

Divine Beauty

Oil paint on wood

24in x 24in



Oil paint on wood

12in x 12in



Oil paint on wood

18in x 24in



Oil paint and aerosol on wood

24in x 24in

He loves me, He loves me not

He loves me, He loves me not

Oil paint on wood

12in x 12in

Check out iBelieve and store

Comic Book Cover Mashups By Rusty Shackles

These are comic book mash-ups by artist Rusty Shackles, his style of mashing either famous pop culture figures into a comic book cover format making his work stand out because of the finely detailed classic comic book look to the subject of the comic book cover mash-ups which are pretty dope so if you love comic book covers/pop culture figures/video game characters/rappers like Wu-Tang then you will love Rusty Shackles works like we do at Diabolical Rabbit.


Pre-Rusty Shackles era:
Antarctic Press Absolute Zero #3-6 (8 pages pencils/inks, each issue of anthology title)
Warrior Nun Areala Black & White #8 (8 page story, pencils)
Loaded #2 (cover)
Sniper & Rook #3 (pin-up)
Modern era:
Action Lab’s Woman Of Action #1 (pin-up)
Awesome Hospital: Diagnosis (pin-up)
The Hard Ones (cover illustration, interior 28 pages pencils/inks)
CBLDF Transmetropolitan artbook (pin-up)
Oni’s Resurrection #8 (8 page story pencils/inks)
Action Lab FCBD Confidential (cover)

1up Presents #1 (cover artwork)

Great Comics That Never Happened series (co-creator, illustrator of the original 17)
Some yearbook article for ComicsAlliance as well as a labcoat shot of the staff
Moviefone – Film Strip (co-creator, illustrator of all 3)
1up feature “Marcus Fenix, Fox McCloud, and Chun-Li Invade Classic Comic …”
1up feature “Gallery: Games as the Comics That Inspired Them from”
1up feature “Cover Gallery: Box Art from Another Reality from”
Gamespy – assorted artwork featuring the “SpyGuy” for features including Free Agent, 2012 Holiday Buyers Guide
The Rack (“New Rack Swing” pin-up)
War Rocket Ajax (“war rocket” design/illustration, site header, concept and illustrator of original “show posters”) 
wave one – wave two
Solomon Stone (pin-up)
Brandon Mendelson – “Social Media Is Bullshit” alternate book cover/website splashpage
Adults Only band (website design)
Adam Warrock (2 site headers, bandcamp header)
Mikal kHill (bandcamp header)
Beefy (bandcamp header)
Tribe One (bandcamp header)
Nerdcore Meow (poster for site, site header)

Binjo Records (panama city, defunct) t-shirt design
Adam Warrock “Work Sucks, Raps Better” shirt design
Mikal kHill “Level 33” shirt design
SuperFly Comics “Free Comic Book Day 2010” shirt design
War Rocket Ajax – “WRA” shirt design
Cherry Lee’s Hair Salon (Dayton, OH) shirt design
Gamer Concepts – “Wizard on a Raptor”, “Dragons Are A Girl’s Best Friend” shirt
Man B Que shirt via Ript Apparel – *UNPAID*

Other – Concept, executive production, coordination and artwork for “
Bowling For Shiva: A Tribute To The League” starring Beefy, featuring production by Vince Vandal, Mikal kHill, Dj Empircal.
Adults Only – “18 To Enter…” complete CD packaging design; “Hotbed of Iniquity” complete CD packaging design.
Adam Warrock – “The War For Infinity” complete CD packaging design; “You Dare To Call That Thing Human?!” packaging arrangement; numerous event posters, handbill designs
Stevie D of Illbotz – Youtube artwork for 
“The Best Damn Rappers”
Beefy – Youtube artwork for “Shots”, LP cover for upcoming release (1st quarter 2013), aforementioned “Bowling For Shiva” project.
The Thought Criminals – Assorted event posters, handbill designs, sticker for SXSW 2012 design
Mikal kHill – Assorted event posters, handbill designs, sticker design.
Akira The Don – forthcoming LP cover and rear sleeve (2013)
TribeOne – “Anamanagangsta” LP cover, Forthcoming album (2nd quarter 2013) – complete CD packaging design, event poster
JFX316 – “Don’t Get Killed” LP cover, “Illuminati” LP cover
Nerdcore Now – “VPC vol. 1” LP cover, rear cover
Danny Fantom – “Going Ghost” LP cover
Rush Hour – “Self-Titled” EP cover
DJ Empirical – event poster
Richard Cutright – “JustHis League” promotional poster

Mask design for H.W.A. wrestler G-Force

Logo for Cherry Lee’s Hair Salon (used for various signage/promotional material/branding)
Show poster for Cherry Lee’s Opening Shindig 2009
Man B Que poster for barbershop promo – *UNPAID*
Free Comic Book Day Posters for Super Fly Comics 
2010 to current
Assorted advertising design for Panama City News Herald 1999 to 2002
Minor comedic writing for Outlaw Tennis (Hypnotix Games)
Shitload of booby art as Fedx2k sold on ebay.

Check out Rusty Shackles

Street Fighter Motion Sculptures

Street Fighter Motion Sculptures from dantheadman on Vimeo.

Thanks for watching my animation! I did it in order to teach myself Cinema 4D and Vray in my spare time, the renders aren’t perfect but the best I could get out of my machine. While I setup up most of the geometry using tracers, Xpresso and Thinking Particles, I had some help along the way from the following great resources…
I edited the motion captures from this archive >>> and used Microsoft Kinect for some parts aswell
I tweaked the character models from >>>
Sound effects we’re mostly sourced from >>>
And the music is obviously from Capcom’s Street Fighter 2, play it here >>>
If you like this, then checkout the original & far superior Quayola and Memo ‘Forms’ >>>

Eye Catching Art Exhibition We Liked: Faile’s Deluxx Fluxx Arcade Installation

“Take a turn with the specially created and programmed video games and pinball machines, or play a round of psychedelic foosball. Harkening back to the golden age of arcade games, contemporary punk rock and graffiti culture, this neon-laden, interactive, mixed media installation gives the audience a chance to genuinely engage with the work without feeling the pressure of the traditional gallery environment.”- Faile

This event of arcade nostalgia and  mixture of pop/punk culture was brought to you by the Brooklyn based duo Faile it is from their “Deluxx Fluxx” exhibition which was unveiled at Miami Beach on December 3rd to the 7th 2013. The arcade/art exhibition was wall to wall of eye catching pop punk art propaganda posters all over the walls and arcade leaving you as the viewer feeling like i wish this was my room.


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