Artist Of The Day: Lora Northway

These works are done by Canadian based artist  Lora Northway. “This series began with an investigation into my family’s immigration to Canada in 1901. My great great grandmother Aina Wilen traveled from Finland at 17, became a key founder of the women’s movement in Thunder Bay… I was able to travel to the cabin she helped… Continue reading Artist Of The Day: Lora Northway

Eye Catching Art Exhibition We Liked: Faile’s Deluxx Fluxx Arcade Installation

“Take a turn with the specially created and programmed video games and pinball machines, or play a round of psychedelic foosball. Harkening back to the golden age of arcade games, contemporary punk rock and graffiti culture, this neon-laden, interactive, mixed media installation gives the audience a chance to genuinely engage with the work without feeling the pressure… Continue reading Eye Catching Art Exhibition We Liked: Faile’s Deluxx Fluxx Arcade Installation