Category Archives: illustrator

Character Illustrations By Melissa Ballesteros

green bunny a pin up illustration by melissa ballesteros p

These awesome works/illustrations are done by Melissa Ballesteros who is based out of Guadalajara, Mexico.

If you love her character illustrations you can find more HERE.

fan art of candy fro andrew hickinbottom

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Amazing Map Illustrations By Ed Fairburn


Western Front I

Peak District



“Freelance artist whose work is mostly figurative. I paint, draw and construct using a flexible range of tangible media across a wide range of surfaces and contexts, allowing my practice to exist across various disciplines. The work I produce is largely self-directed, allowing me to explore a wealth of ideas and concepts which need to be realised.”

Find me on Facebook for current projects and other updates.

Also can find Ed HERE.

Art By Roby Dwi Antono

Works by Roby Dwi Antono who is based in Yogyakarta, Indonesia who draws, illustrates and paints.

Pesta Tiga
Ilustrasi untuk cover My Magz #16 p{ART}y


Fauves, is a youth oriented clothing company made out of post-modern zeitgeist which endorses the art scene and the independent subculture aesthetics. Our chosen identifier, Fauves (french; wild beast), is a homage to “Fauvism”; the modern art collective led by Henri Matisse in the earlier years of the 20th century
Can find Roby Dwi Antono aka Lobilob  here at

Illustrator: Ready2Rumbl Visual Artist From Netherlands

Ready2Rumbl is an illustrator and visual artist based in
Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

For inquiries please contact me at: [email protected]

Follow me on Facebook

Selected Group Exhibitions

2013 ‘On Paper’, Walls, Amsterdam
2013 ‘Chunks in Gravy’, Pictura, Dordrecht
2012 ‘Hidden Beauty II’, Eindhoven
2011 ‘City of Dream II’, Willie, Deventer
2011 ‘Benching Saved My Life’, Muzelinck, Oss
2011 ‘Play’, Kunstinzigt, Rotterdam
2011 ‘It’s A Strange World After All’, Opperclaes, Rotterdam
2010 ‘It’s A Strange World After All’, Niu : Espai Artístic, Barcelona, Spain
2009 ‘Gouden Bergen’, Dek22, Rotterdam & Streetlab, Amsterdam
2009 ‘Hypermarket’, Go Gallery, Amsterdam & Singer Sweat Shop, Rotterdam
2008 ‘Super Duper Quality And Instant Illness’, Lock & Load, Utrecht
2008 ‘Doortje Draait Door’, Doortje, Eindhoven
2008 ‘5 bij 5’, Outlandrecords, Amsterdam
2008 ‘Ready2Rumbl & Super A’, Subwalk, Arnhem
2007 ‘No 7’, Roodkapje, Rotterdam
2007 ‘And You Are?’, Senor Hernandez, Nijmegen
2007 ‘Urban Art Experiments Vol 2’, Custom Skatedeck Show, CAID, Detroit, USA
2006 ‘Laatste Punct Expo’ Punct, Tilburg
2005 ‘Characterbuilding 2’, Punct, Tilburg
2005 ‘In The Mix II’, Punct, Tilburg
2005 ‘Action Heroes’, Reprezent, Amsterdam
2004 ‘Characterbuilding’, Punct, Tilburg





Cat Inspired Art Show At Spoke Art Gallery In San Francisco

plz can i haz by Ransom & Mitchell

plz can i haz” by Ransom & Mitchell (model: Ulorin Vex)

By the Power of Bub by Aaron Jasinski

By the Power of Bub” by Aaron Jasinski

Spoke Art gallery in San Francisco will be hosting two separate art shows at the same this month. Both their Lil Bubgroup exhibit and the “Meow Brow” solo show by Casey Weldon will be “celebrating art, cats, and art inspired by cats.” They will open on Saturday, September 7, 2013 from 5-10 PM and run until September 28th. Lil Bub will make an appearance during the opening on Saturday, September 7th from 1-3 PM. You can RSVP for the events on Facebook.

Lil Bub Meow

images via Spoke Art and credited artists

via Boing Boing

Bento by Casey Weldon

Bento” by Casey Weldon

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