NYC Street Art On Store Shutters

Zam graffiti at Welling Court NYC Shutters – Part V: Kenji Takabayashi, Kosby, Zam Art, Sheryo & the Yok, Phetus, Hef, Joseph Meloy, Fumero and Wisher914

Zam Art at Welling Court in Astoria, Queens

phetus graffiti on Brooklyn shutter NYC Shutters – Part V: Kenji Takabayashi, Kosby, Zam Art, Sheryo & the Yok, Phetus, Hef, Joseph Meloy, Fumero and Wisher914


Phetus in Williamsburg, Brooklyn

wisher914 graffiti on NYC shutter. NYC Shutters – Part V: Kenji Takabayashi, Kosby, Zam Art, Sheryo & the Yok, Phetus, Hef, Joseph Meloy, Fumero and Wisher914


Wisher914 at Welling Court in Astoria, Queens

Fumero action street art on Shutter NYC NYC Shutters – Part V: Kenji Takabayashi, Kosby, Zam Art, Sheryo & the Yok, Phetus, Hef, Joseph Meloy, Fumero and Wisher914


Fumero in NoLita

kosby art on Welling Court shutter NYC Shutters – Part V: Kenji Takabayashi, Kosby, Zam Art, Sheryo & the Yok, Phetus, Hef, Joseph Meloy, Fumero and Wisher914


Kosby at Welling Court in Astoria, Queens

Kenji Takabayashi art on welling court shutter NYC Shutters – Part V: Kenji Takabayashi, Kosby, Zam Art, Sheryo & the Yok, Phetus, Hef, Joseph Meloy, Fumero and Wisher914


Kenji Takabayashi at Welling Court in Astoria, Queens


shery and the yok street art on NYC shutter NYC Shutters – Part V: Kenji Takabayashi, Kosby, Zam Art, Sheryo & the Yok, Phetus, Hef, Joseph Meloy, Fumero and Wisher914


Sheryo and the Yok in Manhattan’s Little Italy

hef graffition welling court shutter NYC Shutters – Part V: Kenji Takabayashi, Kosby, Zam Art, Sheryo & the Yok, Phetus, Hef, Joseph Meloy, Fumero and Wisher914


Hef atWelling Court in Astoria, Queens

Joseph Meloy on Welling court shutter1 NYC Shutters – Part V: Kenji Takabayashi, Kosby, Zam Art, Sheryo & the Yok, Phetus, Hef, Joseph Meloy, Fumero and Wisher914


Joseph Meloy at Welling Court in Astoria, Queens


Photos by Tara Murray and Lois Stavsky

Weird,Cute And Twisted Creatures By David Chung


Like a sledgehammer to your funny bone, The Chung!! uses his unique brand of off-beat humor to examine the inevitable misfortunes and disappointments that accompany all of our lives and finds a glimmering ray of light therein. His work reminds us to step back, stop taking ourselves so seriously, and use the moment to laugh at our failures, because after all, feeling sorry for ourselves never got anyone anywhere.

the chung 04

David Chung, affectionately known as The Chung!!, lives in Los Angeles yet works out of some dark, strange corner of the human imagination that the rest of us generally knows to stay away from. His artwork, filled with humor and awkwardness, is a sort of catharsis for the moments of humiliation which inevitably stain all of our lives.

the chung 03

The Chung!! has shown in galleries all over Los Angeles, New York, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and parts of Europe. He currently works full time during the day as a Background Designer for Nickelodeon and a fine artist by night.


Check Out David Chung, a.k.a The Chung!!


Roger Gastman, co-author of The History of American Graffiti, has just curated the two-person exhibition Uphill Both Ways, featuring art by graffiti artists Pose and Revok. In addition to the exhibition at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery, Chicago-based Pose and Detroit-based Revok are also collaborating on a large-scale mural on Houston and Bowery streets in New York City.

Uphill Both Ways is inspired by the work of late graffiti artist NEKST. The exhibition recounts the challenges Pose and Revok have dealt with in the legal sector and a general theme of human struggle that seems to run through the body of work by each artist. Both Pose and Revok are members of world-renowned graffiti crew Mad Society Kings (MSK), as well as West Coast arts collective The Seventh Letter. While there are many similarities apparent between the two artists, Pose and Revok are stylistically and technically very different in many ways. Pose’s work generally alludes to pop and comic art, skateboarding, advertising, graphic arts, collage, sign painting, and graffiti. Pose strives to paint the human condition as he sees it. Revok’s art creates abstract geometric patterns with vibrant colors, and does so through the use of found materials such as pieces from abandoned homes, schools, businesses, and churches in order to revive and reinterpret the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of the people from whom these found-bits have been sampled.

Uphill Both Ways opens on Saturday June 29th at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery, with a reception to be held from 7-9pm. The show will be open for viewing from June 29th-July 27th 2013.


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