Product: Nick Doyle ‘RELIC’ Rug

Nick Doyle 'RELIC' Case Studyo Artist Rug EditionProduct: Nick Doyle ‘RELIC’ Rug

Nick Doyle 'RELIC' Case Studyo Artist Rug Edition


The work of Nick Doyle explores American identity and its complex intertwinement with consumerism. By portraying seemingly mundane objects such as cigarettes, vending machines and urinals, Nick Doyle exalts the depicted products to icons of American culture. The artifacts expose the cycle of pride and shame that fuels the never-ending process of consumer culture. These new American icons are often rendered as large denim collages, a deliberate choice of material with cultural significance, calling forth a range of associations, from the slavery excesses of the cotton trade to blue collar heroism.

Nick Doyle 'RELIC' Case Studyo Artist Rug Edition

For his edition with Case Studyo, Nick Doyle chose to explore the rug as a new medium to present his iconography. The handwoven object proving to be a particularly powerful vehicle for the artist’s ‘flat trash’ series, emphasizing the artifact’s complex duality and even adding a new dimension to the work.

Mixed fibers
Edition of 25 + 5 A.P.’s
Sized: 106 x 160 cm (41.73 x 62.99)

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