Street Art Of The Day 5-30-22

Street Art Of The Day 5-30-22.

By The Kailas-V art group in Kyiv, Ukraine.

By LPVDA in Saint Raphaël, south France. Street artist LPVDA draws with a grinder on a wooden wall blackened by time. The clear parts are sanded by the grinder.

Iberian Lynx Cat by BORDALO II. Made of plastic waste in Lisboa, Portugal (2019).

Brick Art sculpture made by American artist, Brad Spencer in The Green, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

Collab with Jace GouzouCEET Fouad and Ador at École Jules Ferry in Les Mureaux, Paris, France.

By Heywood and Condie in London, England (2017). The Greenhouse, also known as “Sacré Blur”, is a striking stained glass construction that provides a fascinating focal point of light and colour on the street. It’s a delightful curiosity, quite out of place in an urban residential street in Central London.

The Greenhouse was made by horticultural installation artists Heywood and Condie from salvaged 18th and 19th century ecclesiastical stained glass. The original Christian imagery that was dismantled has been reconfigured to present a world of mythical creatures, chimeras and folk hybrids.

Find more street art of the day HERE

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