Tag Archives: art

Realistic Paintings By Jorge Santos

Inner Circle

80 x 80 inches, oil and acrylic on canvas, 2013

Maitre D’

66 x 80 inches, oil and acrylic on canvas, 2012


Born in 1959, Jorge Santos is of Portuguese descent. His childhood was spent in Luanda, Angola before his family fled to Lisbon, Portugal in order to escape a violent political agenda. As Portugal sunk into its own revolution, Santos relocated to the United States in 1982. Through out these years, the artist consistently honed his draftsmanship as a form of escape from life’s unrest. Particularly struck by an Odd Nerdrum show at Forum Gallery, NY in the 90s, Santos began to experiment with and use paint thereafter.

Jorge Santos paintings are a profound display of picture making for the sheer purposes of formulating an all but transparent narrative via highly technical draftsmanship and paint handling. As a self-taught artist, the evolutionary process of his work is often subject to reconfiguration, repositioning, and refinement until the grand conclusion is met. Narrative is of such importance that even compositional concerns may be subordinate to the inclusion of a necessary motif in the storyline.

Night Fishing

67 x 106 inches, oil and acrylic on canvas, 2012

Mail Order Bride

60 x 68 inches, oil and acrylic on canvas, 2010

Dropping Notes

48 x 60 inches, oil and acrylic on canvas, 2013


Andrew Bell The Creatures In My Head

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About the Artist

Andrew Bell was born in England in 1978. His family moved several times until settling into the eastern US in the mid 1980′s. He has lived and worked in New York since 1996.


Andrew’s work spans a wide spectrum of mediums from illustrations and paintings to toys and sculptures. Much of his work is brought together by a sense of humor that often belies a more serious and sombre message.


His work has been featured in solo and group gallery shows from LA to Paris and has been covered by publications such as The New York Times and Wired.


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