Tag Archives: artist

Illustrator: Ready2Rumbl Visual Artist From Netherlands

Ready2Rumbl is an illustrator and visual artist based in
Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

For inquiries please contact me at: [email protected]

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Selected Group Exhibitions

2013 ‘On Paper’, Walls, Amsterdam
2013 ‘Chunks in Gravy’, Pictura, Dordrecht
2012 ‘Hidden Beauty II’, Eindhoven
2011 ‘City of Dream II’, Willie, Deventer
2011 ‘Benching Saved My Life’, Muzelinck, Oss
2011 ‘Play’, Kunstinzigt, Rotterdam
2011 ‘It’s A Strange World After All’, Opperclaes, Rotterdam
2010 ‘It’s A Strange World After All’, Niu : Espai Artístic, Barcelona, Spain
2009 ‘Gouden Bergen’, Dek22, Rotterdam & Streetlab, Amsterdam
2009 ‘Hypermarket’, Go Gallery, Amsterdam & Singer Sweat Shop, Rotterdam
2008 ‘Super Duper Quality And Instant Illness’, Lock & Load, Utrecht
2008 ‘Doortje Draait Door’, Doortje, Eindhoven
2008 ‘5 bij 5’, Outlandrecords, Amsterdam
2008 ‘Ready2Rumbl & Super A’, Subwalk, Arnhem
2007 ‘No 7’, Roodkapje, Rotterdam
2007 ‘And You Are?’, Senor Hernandez, Nijmegen
2007 ‘Urban Art Experiments Vol 2’, Custom Skatedeck Show, CAID, Detroit, USA
2006 ‘Laatste Punct Expo’ Punct, Tilburg
2005 ‘Characterbuilding 2’, Punct, Tilburg
2005 ‘In The Mix II’, Punct, Tilburg
2005 ‘Action Heroes’, Reprezent, Amsterdam
2004 ‘Characterbuilding’, Punct, Tilburg





Artist: Tatiana Suarez

Tatiana Suarez is a Brooklyn-based Miami native. Her charming style is distinctive — first, the trademark eyes that draw the viewer into a beautiful and surreal world. Suarez takes full advantage of the oil paint’s ability to create creamy, soft images on canvas. Rich with symbols that stem from her Brazilian and El Salvadorian heritage, subjects appear as if they are under water, frozen in lovely stillness. The doe-eyed figures look childlike, but also exude sexual overtones, ornamented with plants, insects and other unsettling accompaniments. Beauty is presented concurrently with exotic — even creepy — creatures to create enchanted narratives.

Can check out more of Tatiana’s works at Tatiana Suarez

Artist: Onur Dinc

Onur collage art Speaking with Onur Dinc

Dollars on Wood

Giclee prints/Edition of 19 available at THE TRACE GALLERY/ZH

Militärstrasse 76
8004 Zürich

Onur and Wes21 street art in Budapest Hungary Speaking with Onur Dinc

Onur Dinc/Wes21 Collab

Photo of Onur and Wes21 at work by Lenny Collado; all other images are courtesy of Onur.

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All works by Onur Dinc can also check more of his works out at ONUR DINC


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